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For customers, you add the convenience of having food favourites right outside a particular location -- or inside with a kiosk -- and meet several needs by serving mobile food.


 You also offer the convenience of quick service. In many cases you provide food choices that can save those on a busy schedule from the need to sit down. Typically customers can eat street foods while en route to their next destination. Finally, mobile food is often fun to eat and (if it's good) great to talk about.

Going Mobile: Your Options

Even before you decide what foods to sell, you'll want to consider how you want to sell them.


Clearly, your decision on how to sell your foods will depend on:

  1. Your startup money, budget and potential for returns

  2. Your commitment to the business: part time, full time, etc.

  3. Your creative ideas and what it will take to fulfill them

  4. Your experience at running a business

  5. The size of the business you want to start

  6. Your ideal demographic

These are a few of the considerations you will consider as you proceed

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